An Official Human Evolution Ambassador

Pierre Coupet, founder of virtual organization management and the world’s leading advocate for human evolution, introduces the Most Extensive and Wide-Reaching Global Human Evolution Initiative in the entire history of mankind: Appointment of One Official Human Evolution Ambassador to every single country in the world.

Boarding Pass for Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222

Pierre Coupet, founder of virtual organization management and the world’s leading advocate for human evolution, introduces The Most Significant Global Human Evolution Endeavor in the entire history of mankind: A detailed report on Human Evolution Stations, where anyone can obtain a Boarding Pass for Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222.

Sea Change in Implementation of Virtual Residential Communities Worldwide

Virtual Residential Community Consortium is now strictly focused on the enrollment of .01% of member organizations worldwide who strongly identify with the cause of Human Evolution. Going forward, that means only potential member organizations whose countries are officially Hosting a Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial System will now be eligible to join the consortium.

Sea Change in Implementation of Virtual Campus Dormitories Worldwide

Virtual Campus Dormitory Consortium is now strictly focused on the enrollment of .01% of member organizations worldwide who strongly identify with the cause of Human Evolution. Going forward, that means only potential member organizations whose countries are officially Hosting a Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial System will now be eligible to join the consortium.

Sea Change in Executive Search Process for the Sake of Human Evolution

The VOM Institute Global Executive Search process is now strictly designed to identify the .01% of candidates worldwide who strongly identify with the cause of Human Evolution. Going forward, that means only candidates whose countries are officially Hosting a Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial System will now be eligible to join the Executive Leadership Team.